The assisted living SEO work done on our site was done by The Raleigh SEO Company
One of the best ways to get more residents to an assisted living or nursing home is to rank organically on the Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines for the search phrases people are using to find a local assisted living facility for their aging parents and loved ones.
Search Engine Optimization & Marketing Work That Delivers Results
What most long term care facilities don’t realize is that there are hundreds, of not thousands, of people searching for a local nursing home in their area and if you don’t rank on the 1st page of Google for the keywords people are using to find these nursing homes, then you might as well not exist.
Senior Living SEO work that brings in new residents
If you’d like a steady flow of potential new residents contacting you every month, then you’re going to need an SEO agency, like the Raleigh SEO Company, that can help get your business on the 1st page of Google. Learn more about the Raleigh SEO Company and how they help assisted living facilities get a steady flow of new residents every month at
Here are a handful of places their SEO work has been featured:
See what our residents have to say about our encouraging communities that create an ideal environment to recover from your orthopedic surgery or medical illness.